Complete Set- HDPE Epoxy Resin Molds


Firstly, we are able to make epoxy resin molds of any size!

This set includes 4 molds:

1No. 25cm x 20cm (10″ x 8″)
1No. 35cm x 25cm (14″ x 10″)
1No. 50cm x 30cm (20″ x 12″)
1No. 60cm x 40cm (24″ x 20″)

Epoxy resin molds from are made with 12mm (1/2″) HDPE. The sides are 7cm (2.75″) high.

Its non-adhesive quality does away with the need to use any kind of release spray or duct tape. Furthermore, the molds are completely reusable. You can reuse the mold, potentially, an infinite number of times.

One of the points to consider when you choose a HDPE mold, is that the thickness of the HDPE is often overlooked. HDPE is an expensive material. However only the surface of the HDPE comes into contact with the resin.

So, there is little point in going to the expense of purchasing very thick HDPE molds. When really all that you need is the HDPE surface.

Why are they cheaper than our competitors?

We are also able to sell our epoxy resin molds much cheaper than our competitors as we have done away with unnecessary extras. Small bubble spirit levels are notoriously unreliable. Particularly when attached to the removable sides of the mold. You should place the mold on a sturdy flat surface. You should then level this flat surface using a long spirit level. This will then negate the requirement for adjustable feet.

Are you sick of:

  1. a) the time it takes having to make a different mold for every project? or
  2. b) having your mold stick to your project when it comes the time to remove it? or
  3. c) having to tape your mold prior to pouring the resin? Then a HDPE mold is definitely for you!

Why you should buy our Epoxy Resin HDPE molds?

  1. All the sides of our epoxy resin molds are machined cut to size and secured with threaded inserts and bolts.
  2. Easy assembly and de-molding.
  3. Our sides are straight, not tapered like some of the welded HDPE moulds on the market. Leading to less wasted resin and less finishing work.
  4. You can construct the mold in under a couple of minutes.
  5. You have to seal the edges with a standard silicon. That is the only additional requirement, as is the case with the majority of molds.
    The molds come in a variety of sizes.

All other sizes please contact us!

All measurements are +/- 2mm unless otherwise requested.

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